Quarantine Planning for the Fall Semester
I’m scheduled to teach another semester of Making Things Interactive this fall, but teaching physical computing remotely? Without student access to a physical computing lab, laser cutters, and 3d printers?
Hey, I’m a designer, let’s do some research!
Which starts with Alton Brown’s and his wife Elizabeth’s “Quarantine Quitchen“, where they make dinner with whatever they have handy and maybe a drink. Or two. I certainly have a drink (or two) before the livestream starts. They love each other today, but like my spouse and I, are really tired of looking at one another.
I’ve learned a lot about “improv cooking”, and am going to start documenting my own quarantine cooking on my personal blog.
So now I’m thinking, “what is improv interaction design?” That is, “what can students do from their apartment, room at their parents’ house, or quarantine space?” What sort of kit can we send them they can use to do assignments? What if they live in another country and shipping is a pain or some items are on trade tariff restrictions?
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