The “sensor box” project
Digging through sensors I already have, I discovered that my Sparkfun Qwiic Ideation Kit came with an Environmental Combo sensor that can detect temperature, humidity, CO (carbon monoxide), and VOC (volatile organic compounds). The list of VOCs is long but NO2 is in the list. What’s Qwiic? It is a standard from Sparkfun for I2C […]
Context: Gas stoves pollute residential kitchens
Let’s start by saying the thing nobody who loves cooking wants to hear: Gas stoves are bad for the environment and for humans in the kitchen and we should stop using them. Yes, I know they are magic tools for controlling fire. For decades I’ve passed on renting an apartment or a house simply because […]
Interaction Design in the Environment
Starting a new category because I’m starting a new project and it needs a home. For several years I’ve been teaching “Making Things Interactive” at CMU’s IDeATe program with all assignments turned in on the class blog. It’s basically “Arduino 102” where we take what people learned in an intro to physical computing class and […]