IKEA’s Accessibility Project
IKEA Israel is supporting ThisAbles, a resource for making IKEA products more usable and helping filter products by qualities. Under the “Tables” section is a list of IKEA tables that are accessible for people in wheelchairs.
Back from an unplanned vacation…
A few months ago, while teaching in the Spring, I applied for a F/T position at CMU HCII working on a research project and signed a 1-year contract. However, I’m writing lots of code at work and by the end of the day I really haven’t felt like working on warifuru. I’m learning caffe, openpose, […]
Revisiting college life as a professor
In 2009 I earned the first Master of Tangible Interaction Design at Carnegie Mellon. This Fall I’m Adjunct at CMU School of Art, teaching Introduction to Physical Computing in the IDeATe program (yes that intercap is correct). We have a class blog if you want to follow along, half the students are CFA and half […]
Thermal qualities of E3D’s Edge Filament
I’m making some containers for a client who needs to evaporate water from a solution to get the weight of the solids. It’s straightforward high school chemistry: weigh container add solution dehydrate water in a special enclosure weigh container + solids now you have the weight of the solids. The problem they have is that […]
Music Book Page Holder / Clip
Another thing I made for my own use then flipped to sell, a sturdy music book page holder.
Kinect Tripod Mount
Q: Ok, so now you have a 3d printer in your house. What do you print? A: More 3d printers! So we have that joke finally out of the way. How about a tripod mount for the (then) shiny new Kinect?
First Order Tool Access, MakerBot Cupcake
I built Cupcake #235 and in my first few prints discovered it required maintenance, adjusting, tweaking, etc, to make a good print. I designed and shared some first order tool holders that made my life a bit easier.
A clean Studio is a Happy Studio
Some days when I get frustrated with a project or a client or just plain adulting, I take a mental break by reorganizing my studio. I get way more work done in a clean studio then when it’s a total mess. It’s also a safer studio — tools where they are supposed to be, no […]
Slight warifuru sidetrack
I put a lot of effort in to the front end of warifuru looking at use cases, other software, and how people use laser cutters.  Also did some crash-course learning of Qt5 — which I like way more than Cocoa/iOS — and got a sketch together that could parse DXF in to an abstract model […]
almost a winner!
Came in as a runner-up in the Shapeways/DJI contest. Here’s my entry, I’ll post the buoy/bomb to Thingiverse in the near future.