Moog Werkstatt Eurorack adapter
Back when i started the Moog-friendly enclosure, I got a bit sidetracked and started thinking, “How can you mount something not Eurorack-friendly to a Eurorack?” Well, it turns out to be a bit of a pain, not to install, but to operate. The install instructions have all the details to consider before you buy one […]
Moog 60HP Eurorack update
One of the first lessons I learned in consumer electronics is that version 1.0 is the “can we?” release. Version 2.0 is effectively a do-over of 1.0, where we fix all the obvious problems we didn’t fix and the new obvious problems we didn’t predict. Design school has their own version that boils down to […]
Summer fun project: ARP 2600 restoration
I planned on doing personal portfolio work and some design projects this summer but picked up a fun gig by accident: restoring an ARP 2600 synthesizer for the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at CMU. I’ll post a bunch of photos and restoration notes once I’m finished, but here’s a teaser: