Bouncing warifuru back in to development
One of the main features of warifuru is a set of tools to help people who use laser cutters for their job. Tools like optimizing layout for the fastest cuts (aka 2d bin-fitting) or patterns that determine the best power/speed for etching a given media by making a big-ass etch grid. Then I found deepnest […]
Back from an unplanned vacation…
A few months ago, while teaching in the Spring, I applied for a F/T position at CMU HCII working on a research project and signed a 1-year contract. However, I’m writing lots of code at work and by the end of the day I really haven’t felt like working on warifuru. I’m learning caffe, openpose, […]
locking up the UI for safety
My initial plan for warifuru was to lock up the UI during an actual laser cutting operation. There would be one floating control panel that controls the cut, and after the cut is started the only options for the operator is to stop/pause the cut. Looking at the new lasersaur API and thinking about other […]
Slight warifuru sidetrack
I put a lot of effort in to the front end of warifuru looking at use cases, other software, and how people use laser cutters.  Also did some crash-course learning of Qt5 — which I like way more than Cocoa/iOS — and got a sketch together that could parse DXF in to an abstract model […]
Win10 now supported
Way easier than I thought to port a Qt5 app from OSX to Win10. My goal now is to have a -0001 release finished by the end of January.
Windows support for warifuru
Semester is over, I’ll grade on Monday, then I get all winter break to focus on warifuru. Question: Which versions of Windows should I support other than 10? I currently have Win10 in VMWare on my Mac (for SolidWorks) and Qt5 is just a slog with only 8Gb of RAM allocated. I have a new […]
warifuru features wishlist
I learn a lot by observing the process of how other designers and engineers actually do their work. Here’s a look at mine, this is my catch-all outline of desired features (as of today) for warifuru. I keep this list in OmniGraffle but what I should do is start a bug/features tracking system.  Sourceforge has […]
warifuru personas^h^h^h^h^h^h^h end users
(I know, I know, that leaves us with two spaces between “warifuru” and “end”, but “^hend ” is a little harder to read. Nobody under the age of Grampa Simpson even gets that joke in the first place.) So, one of my first questions when I was thinking up features for warifuru was, “who is […]
warifuru – a new interface for laser cutters
I started using laser cutters a decade ago and was a little surprised at the primitive controlling software. Our big-money, brand-name laser cutter came with a printer driver for Windows and nothing else. We did all our work in Illustrator, saved a copy to a flash drive, copied it to the PC in front of […]